English Chinese (Simplified) Thai

Fair - 2019 Opening

Event Schedule

1. 9.1.2019  9:00 AM (Opening Ceremony)
7:00 PM (Lucky Draw) 
2. 10.1.2019 - 10:00 AM (Opening)
1:00 PM (Seminar)
7:00 AM (Lucky Draw)
3. 11.1.2019 - 10:00 AM (Opening)
1:00 AM (Seminar)
7:00 AM (Lucky Draw)
4. 12.1.2019 - 10:00 AM (Opening)
7:00 AM (Lucky Draw)
5. 13.1.2019 - 10:00 AM (Opening)
7:00 AM (Lucky Draw)

Seminar Program

Myanmar Gems Forum-2019

Dr. Kyaw Thu (Individual Talk)

Title  Gems Mining and Sustainability in Myanmar.
Time : 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm
Date : 10.1.19
Venue : Crystal Ballroom, LOTTE Hotel

Coffee Break - 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm 

Panel Discussion.(2:15 pm to 4:00pm)

Dr.Ye Myint Swe
U Maung Maung
U Ye Min Htun (Ko Chuu) Baw Mar Gems Mining
U Min Thu (MGE)


Dr.Daw Yin Yin New

ဒေါ်မိုင်မူမူဝင်း (Individual Talk)

Title  : Gems Trading World.
Time : 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm
Date 11.1.19
Venue : Crystal Ballroom, LOTTE Hotel

Coffee Break - 1:45 pm to 2:15 pm

Panel Discussion(2:15 pm to 4:00 pm)

(1) U Hpone Phyo Kan Nyunt (Lab Manager @ Gubelin lab Hong Kong)
(2) Ko Aung Kyaw Zin (Sp Gems)
(3) Daw Aye Myo Naing( Setkyar Hline Gem Testing Lab and Training Centre)
(4) U Hla Aung (MGE)


Dr.Daw Yin Yin Nwe

Good Opportunities for buyers:

  • One coupon for the purchase of 500,000 kyats which can with iPhones / Samsung Tablets / Gold Coins.
  • Two-night stay for the purchase of $50,000 & above
  • Four-night stay for the purchase of $100,000 & above at the LOTTE HOTEL.


Free admission

Business attire

- Decent attire.
- Short pants are not allowed.



We welcome all precious stones, gems, and jewelry importers, traders, manufacturers, retailors, and shop-owners. 


Early bird opportunities are enormous for gems and jewelry manufacturers, wholesalers and retailors, at the birthplace of world's most precious gem stones in history.


Myanmar, as the last economic frontier, has tons of room to grow. Come join hands and let's grow together.


Our travel partners are ready to assist you for your business trip to Yangon.


Meet many gems suppliers, such as ruby stone suppliers or jade suppliers, for your jewelry business. There will be a lot of key people of wholesale jewelry business, at this gems and jewelry show in Yangon, Myanmar.


Technologies of production, cutting, and refinery are in dire needs to the Myanmar's unique gems industry. Technology and equipment suppliers with good experiences are being expected here. 




Investing in the fastest growing economies makes the best ROI for any investor.


For entrepreneurs, Myanmar gems industry has much to be explored, researched, and developed.